Ich war mit meinem besten Freund unterwegs auf einer kleinen Tour, bereits mit dem Wissen im Kopf, dass es regnen würde, als es tatsächlich möglich genau dann den Sonnenuntergang zu beobachten, als langsam die Regenwolken von Norden her hereinzogen.
Als dann der Sonnenuntergang kurz bevor stand, machten wir dann halt.
Despite the weather I felt the urge to have a good practice session but was aware that flying in the rain is a bad idea although the Mavic should survive it. Also the winds made me think the overall conditions for flying as a novice aren’t ideal. So I sat there on the spot, waiting for the rain to stop and the wind to calm down.As soon as I could see there were no drops hitting the windscreen of the car, I headed out and took off. Then, I flew around in short circles, increased the height step by step to get a sense if the drone is happy with the conditions up there.
A short moment later after flying a rather large circle it got caught in the clouds – I couldn’t see it anymore and the video feed told me I’m now completely submerged into the low hanging clouds. The only thing that kept me on course was the map and I realized at this moment I was already 230m AGL and the battery was at 50%. Not wanting to take any chances I decided to decrease the height and prepare for landing. So I turned around towards my position and hit down. To my surprise the height increased. Shock! [2:00min mark] I finally managed to decrease the height by turning around and keeping the stick down and soon I could re-establish visual contact with the drone…I was relieved.
…it was worth it but the lesson I’ve learned yesterday is: always take updrafts into account.